

24 Jan

Valentine’s Day Gnome

Create this adorable Valentine’s Day gnome for your sweetie. . .it’s perfect for kiddos, hubby or your wife! Supplies: Cozy socks with a Valentine theme (hearts, cupid’s arrow, etc) Glass jar Your sweetie’s favorite candy (stick with red or pink to keep it extra festive) Beard material Wooden bead for the nose Glue gun You […]


4 Jan

Big Hug Card

Sometimes when we live far away from someone we love it can be really frustrating or make us feel sad. We miss the normal little things like reading a story together, giving hugs, baking cookies with grandma or going for a walk with grandpa. These feelings can feel big. And they feel even bigger sometimes […]


24 Jan

Bandaid Get Well Card

Get well soon! It’s always hard when someone we love is sick! Especially for kiddos. Sometimes it’s hard for them to understand why Grandpa can’t visit or his best friend can’t come out to play. Making a get well card is a great way for kids to process their frustration and show love for the […]


4 Nov

How to Make a Candy Cake

If you’ve got an important birthday coming up, try this fun and unique idea for the birthday boy or girl! You can use it as a gift for the birthday boy or girl, or you can do like we did, and use the candy cake as a party favor! As the end of the party, […]


4 Nov

Get Well Hugs!

When someone you love is sick it can be hard to be far away, and unable to do anything to help them in their difficulty. It can be tough to live far away from people we love. Often times there are new and fun adventures and special new friends to be made, but we may […]


8 Aug

Paper Flowers

When you move somewhere new, sometimes you miss the little things about your old home. I, for example, miss the tall green pine trees! Or maybe you lived in an area that had more rainfall, and therefore was a little more green, or had more flowers, and now you live in the desert, where there […]


25 Feb

Drive-in Theatre

When you live in a new country, sometimes you lose the opportunity to do the outings and activities you did at home on a regular basis. When I first moved to Italy there were not malls in our area. I didn’t go to the mall very often at home, but I loved going at Christmas […]


20 Jan

I nostri Corpi Sono Fatti per Cambiare…

I nostri corpi cambiano. Da quando entriamo il mondo a quando lo lasciamo i nostri corpi cambiano tante volte. In fatti sono fatti per cambiare. I nostri corpi sono elastici. Si sviluppano quando diventiamo adolescente, e si sviluppano ulteriormente quando diventiamo donna, crescono per ospitare una gravidanza, si adattano alle circostanze delle nostre vite. E […]


30 Nov

Natale: La stagione per dare

A Natale abbiamo ricevuto il dono più grande! Gesù! Quindi quest’anno invece di utilizzare un calendario del avvento pieno di cioccolatine, usa un calendario per mostrare quanto sei riconoscente per tutto ciò che avete ricevuto, un calendario per servire gli altri e dare in dietro! Ho creato questo calendario per voi e per la mia […]


11 Nov

Calendario del avvento

Quest’anno per contare i giorni fino a Natale fai qualcosa di diverso! Anziché comprare il solito calendario con il cioccolatino che si mangia ogni giorno, crei tu un calendario con bustine di carta, adesivi col numero e i regalini che scegli tu di compare per i tuoi pargoletti! è troppo semplice da realizzare e si […]