

6 Oct

Jewelry box: Geometric Design

Make the cutest jewelry box ever!! Have you tired tape painting?! The result is so pretty. You can do it with a canvas too, but we thought it would look beautiful on Chloe’s new jewelry box. Supplies: Wooden jewlery box or “treasure box” Acrylic paints Painters tape (or masking tape) Paint brushes, water, mat, etc […]


4 Oct

Tie Dye Art

Tie dye is back and it is still a lot of fun to make! Whether it’s tie dying a t-shirt or a mask or a canvas…it’s colorful and bright and fun to do with your kiddos. Supplies: Permanent pens Canvas Alcohol Begin by coloring in your canvas with your permanent pens. Try to imitate the […]


20 Sep

Back to School

Are you ready? I don’t know if we are ready, if the nation is ready, if the school’s are ready . . . .but here we go! How are you all doing?! I am a little nervous about a few different things. Particularly that my older kids have to take public transportation to get to […]


14 Sep

Family Vacation

My Italian Life: Exploring Abruzzo Do you love family vacation? Or do you dread the packing and the bickering and the long car rides? For me it is probably a little bit of both. I love taking time to be in nature, to connect as a couple and with our kids and as a family. […]


16 Jul

DIY T-shirt Beach Bag

We always have so many bags when we head to the beach! A bag for snacks, a bag for sunscreen, a bag for a good book, and my phone, and a big bag for beach towels. And probably several more than I am forgetting about. There are two different style options to choose from. Take […]


22 Jun

Upcycling Old Jeans for the Summer

Summer is here. Maybe your kid’s jean have gotten too short, or you know that they will not fit come Fall. Try upcycling them into some cute jean shorts for the summer! Grab some: Sewing Scissors Felt Tweezers Sandpaper Fork Fabric Glue To Make Distressed Jeans: Step 1: Make your jeans into shorts Try on […]


2 Jun

Magic Sand

Who doesn’t love to build sand castles in the sand? And the invention of moon sand was pretty cool, the way it hold together so easily. This magic sand is similar to kinetic sand in it’s ability to hold it’s form and squish and build castles with. Because there is no actual “sand” in it, […]


29 May


DIY Mason jar Craft Summer is almost here! Yeah! I am so excited that school is almost out. Summer reminds me of sunshine and fresh fruit and especially watermelon and pineapple. We made these too cute jars to celebrate! The larger size are perfect for pencils or a party table, and the mini jars are […]


17 May

No-sew Hair Scrunchies

Hair scrunchies were so cool when I was young! In fact my Mom and I used to sew them together. They eventually came back around…they say fashion repeats itself. So here we are 30 years later and my girls love hair scrunchies too. So my youngest figured out how to make hair scrunchies with no […]


9 May

Kids in Quarantine. . .(Part 2)

25 ideas for family fun and activities to do during quarantine! Each activity has a Bible verse included with it. Day 15:Create an Obstacle course. Create an obstacle course together with your children. Use simple objects like the table, chairs, cushions, books, stuffed toys, etc. Show or explain the path they are supposed to follow. […]