
Creative Parenting

18 Nov

An Imperfect Mom

Your children do not need a perfect Mom, they need a happy one. Unknown I hate to admit that there are more days that when my head hits the pillow, I feel inadequate, than days that I feel like I conquered the world! I, like most Moms I know, struggle to keep everything in balance… […]


7 Nov

In Search of Adventure

A few years back, when the kids became a little older, we decided to make an effort to get out regularly in search of adventure. . .To be in nature, explore new cities, take a walk on the beach, buy a tasty new treat and eat it under a tree in the forest, or on […]


1 Nov

What are you Thankful for?

A thankful heart is a happy heart. Be glad for what you have, that’s an easy place to start. Veggie Tales, Thankfulness Song Thanksgiving is around the corner! Fall is my favorite season of the year, and Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday! I love the traditional food, the day off, the time with family and […]


28 Oct

I am proud of you

I read a post recently where the author said that we should not say, “I’m proud of you” to your child, but instead “Be proud of yourself.” While it is important to encourage our children to be proud of an accomplishment or of the person they are becoming or of how they have improved, it […]


21 Jul

Traveling with Kids

Traveling with kids is easier than it used to be in some senses, and much more complicated in others. Before there were not security checks to try and lug sleeping toddlers through, but there was also just one screen at the front of the plane most often playing very inappropriate movies for a toddler. I […]


5 Mar

How Does She Do it?!

…It’s a question we often ask ourselves when we see someone doing something beyond our own means or abilities. When I was a new mother, I remember observing mothers with more children than I, who still did volunteer work, served in their church, brought older kids to their afternoon activities on time, while simultaneously caring […]