
Creative Parenting

31 Jan

Valentine Card Holders

Love Month Challenge 2021! Before we get to the fun part and see how to make these too cute love note holders, let’s talk Love Month Challenge. According to the work of John Gottman and Robert Levenson, who closely studied the effects of negativity with couples, the suggested ratio is 5:1, meaning that for every negative encounter, there should be a […]


30 Mar

Jesus Heals!

When we are sick, or struggling, or someone we love is going through something difficult, it is so important to remember that Jesus heals! There are so many stories in the Bible that talk about Jesus’ healing power and his love and compassion for sick and hurting people. In fact in Matthew 14:14 it says, […]


30 Mar

Bandaid Art Therapy

Creating art with bandaids Supplies: Bandaids Coloring pens, crayons, paints, and/or pencils Paper Instructions: Bandaids were always the symbol of “making things better” for my littles. When my daughter was young, every time she got the most minimal injury she would want a bandaid, and as soon as she put on the bandaid, her ouchie […]


24 Jan

Bandaid Get Well Card

Get well soon! It’s always hard when someone we love is sick! Especially for kiddos. Sometimes it’s hard for them to understand why Grandpa can’t visit or his best friend can’t come out to play. Making a get well card is a great way for kids to process their frustration and show love for the […]


17 Jul

5 Fun Water Games

Beach towel balloon toss Waterballoons Beach towels Make two teams of minimum 2 people on each team. The objective is toss the water balloons from one beach towel to the other. It’s a hilarious game with water balloons flying everywhere! It’s perfect for a birthday party or family gathering. And you only need a couple […]


11 Mar

Un Immagine Distorta

Durante il mio percorso di guarigione dal disturbo alimentare ho capito in piccola parte cosa mi aveva portata in quel tunnel nel quale non trovavo via d’uscita. Ho capito che parole dette durante la mia infanzia, soprattutto durante i miei 10/11 anni, periodo in cui tutti gli adolescenti vivono la fase di cambiamento del proprio […]


1 Dec

Christmas: A season for giving

Christmas is a season for giving. It truly is more blessed to give than to receive. In honor of this season I want to share this unique advent calendar with you! Every day, instead of receiving a candy or some other small gift, your little ones can open their box and receive a simple challenge […]


4 Jun

Candy Kebabs

School is out! Celebrate your kiddos surviving the school year by making them a candy kebab! It’s a special treat for a special occasion. They are really easy to make! You just need kebab sticks and soft candy: marshmallows work great, but so do gummy candies. Slide each candy onto your stick from the pointed […]


11 Feb

Table Talk

How is your table talk?! When you sit at the table is everyone tempted to be on their phone? To watch TV? Do you only get yes or no in answer to your questions? How can you make table time more special? We asked ourselves this question a few years back… and came up with […]


2 Nov

An Attitude of Gratitude

2020 2020 threw us a curve ball. Quite literally. It was so unexpected. With all of the challenges and tensions and stress it is easy to fall into an attitude of anger, frustration, tiredness, apathy or sadness. Every November we the time as a family to remember all of the things we have to be […]