

17 Jul

5 Fun Water Games

Beach towel balloon toss Waterballoons Beach towels Make two teams of minimum 2 people on each team. The objective is toss the water balloons from one beach towel to the other. It’s a hilarious game with water balloons flying everywhere! It’s perfect for a birthday party or family gathering. And you only need a couple […]


5 Apr

Come Parlare del Sesso con i tuoi Figli

Il sesso è un argomento delicato. Magari quando i tuoi figli iniziano a fare domande o quando c’è un commento sulla TV ti senti in imbarazzo perché non sai come rispondere o cosa dire. Forse pensi che sia meglio evitare o stai aspettando per fare il grande discorso sulla vita. Forse hai ricordi traumatici dalla […]


11 Mar

Un Immagine Distorta

Durante il mio percorso di guarigione dal disturbo alimentare ho capito in piccola parte cosa mi aveva portata in quel tunnel nel quale non trovavo via d’uscita. Ho capito che parole dette durante la mia infanzia, soprattutto durante i miei 10/11 anni, periodo in cui tutti gli adolescenti vivono la fase di cambiamento del proprio […]


25 Feb

Drive-in Theatre

When you live in a new country, sometimes you lose the opportunity to do the outings and activities you did at home on a regular basis. When I first moved to Italy there were not malls in our area. I didn’t go to the mall very often at home, but I loved going at Christmas […]


1 Feb

Princess in Training Party

My little girl is obsessed with princesses! What about yours? All three of my kiddos love dress-up and especially beautiful princess dresses and crowns. So, for her 5th birthday a Princess theme was the perfect fit for my little girl. I created all kinds of fun personalized printables like this invitation, food toppers, water bottle […]


20 Jan

I nostri Corpi Sono Fatti per Cambiare…

I nostri corpi cambiano. Da quando entriamo il mondo a quando lo lasciamo i nostri corpi cambiano tante volte. In fatti sono fatti per cambiare. I nostri corpi sono elastici. Si sviluppano quando diventiamo adolescente, e si sviluppano ulteriormente quando diventiamo donna, crescono per ospitare una gravidanza, si adattano alle circostanze delle nostre vite. E […]


18 Jan

Art Party Food

If you are hosting an art party, there are so many fun ideas for creating themed food! Especially if you decide on a “Rainbow Art party” like we did” Rainbow food is colorful, often healthy and so much fun to make. And there are all kinds of “art supplies” that you can make as well. […]


18 Jan

Rainbow Art Party!

Welcome to our rainbow art party! Full of color and fun for your little artist! An art party is a great idea for both girls and boys and is easy to organize. It is is also a theme that works well for coed parties and for various personalities (shy and outgoing). Today I will share […]


1 Jan

Savory Snowflake Pastry Puff

Christmas has come to and end and New Year’s Day has arrived. A new year has officially begun. Sometimes I wish that the Christmas decorations and lights could stay up a little longer … after all, winter has only just begun and there are many more grey, cold days ahead. Something to brighten up those […]


23 Dec

Gingerbread Cookie Party

Supplies: Sugar cookies or Gingerbread cookies in the shape of houses (I created all different sizes and shapes of houses by hand in order to have a fun variety for the kids). Royal icing (I piped the borders on ahead of time and then supplied sac a poche with more royal icing to attach their […]