Love Month Challenge

When is the last time you told your family how much you love them?! This morning? Yesterday? A week ago? It was probably recently if you are like me.

Love notes

And yet I realize that I do not take the time nearly as often as I should to tell my loved ones why I love them, or in other words…what I love about them.

I think sometimes it is easy in the busyness of the week to focus on what you don’t love: “Hey you forgot to take out the trash again”, or “Your room is a disaster! Could you please pick it up?!”, or “It’s always the same thing. The same conversation!”

A few years ago we started a tradition during the month of February. We began cutting out lots of colorful hearts together. And then each day of the month we write down one thing we love about one member in our family, and we stick the heart on their bedroom door.


By the end of the month each door is full of hearts and each one of us feels a little more loved.

The #lovemonthchallenge has been such a good exercise in seeing the good in one another. Instead of focusing on what bugs us, or what never changes, we are forced to focus each day for an entire month on what we love about the other person. And it helps each of us feel more loved for sure, but it also helps us feel more love for one another!

I really hope you will consider taking the challenge and joining us this February for the #lovemonthchallenge. Make sure to tag your photos on instagram with #lovemonthchallenge so we can see each other’s adventure in getting and giving a little more love! And tag someone on my post, or feel free to share it, so we can get a lot of families involved in showing the love!

*Note: This year we got a little lazy… well, I did. The kids are getting older, and do not love cutting out hearts like they used to! LOL. So this year I made a printable to simplify the process even more. We are hanging them up on each of our bedroom doors and each day we can add one word to someone’s list. One thing we love about them.

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