

12 Apr

Mother’s Day 2020

Want a super easy and extra sweet idea for Mother’s day this year?!.This craft couldn’t be easier but is a sweet memory of your little family!  All you need is: White Paper, Paint, and a frame!!. Paint your hands (1 at a time) Start with Dad’s hand, then Mom’s, then the kids hands in birth […]


10 Apr

Becoming Butterflies

This is the perfect craft for Easter! In fact, the butterfly is the symbol for the resurrection! My Mom used to make this craft with her preschool class. I always loved it. In fact, I often helped her add the wings to all of her little butterflies. SUPPLIES: Clothes pins Pom poms Googley eyes Chenille […]


8 Apr

A Perfect Puppet Show

Creating a puppet show is a perfect way to spend some time together with the TV off during Easter vacation or during these days in quarantine. Create some cute puppets with your kiddos and then help them create a fun theater to tell their story. PAPER BAG PUPPETS: Paper bag puppets are super easy to […]


3 Apr

Salt Dough Beads

Salt dough is really easy to make and fun for a variety of ages! It is similar to play dough in consistency, so young kids will love rolling it out and cutting out shapes with cookie cutters. It is perfect for making Christmas ornaments too. It is also a great way to make homemade beads! […]


30 Mar

Super Heroes For the Day!

Easy DIY Super hero cape! If you could be a super hero for just one day, what would you do?! What super power would you like to have? Today you can help your kiddos become super heroes for a day with this easy super hero cape craft that requires NO SEWING!! This project is easy […]


27 Mar

Make a Little NOISE!!!

Keeping your kids busy during quarantine is a challenge, but let’s have some fun with it! Today we are going to put on a concert for Dad and Mom! “Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth,burst into jubilant song with music; make music to the Lord with the harp, with the harp and the sound of singing, […]


25 Mar

Making Masks with Paper Plates

Creating paper masks with paper plates is super easy and lots of fun! If you are looking for a simple craft to do with your littles during these days that you are stuck at home, try this one out! It is also a perfect segway to be able to talk with your kiddos about everything […]


20 Mar

Busy Little Hands

Quarantining: Quiet activities for busy toddlers during these days stuck at home. These are strange times for everyone. They are also confusing times for our littles. A week ago, you took your little one on walks, or to visit Grandpa and Grandma, or to the park. And now you are stuck at home all day […]


27 Feb

beYOUtiful Party

Beauty and the Beast Birthday Birthdays are a special occasion to love on your littles and to show love to their friends as well. It is about building relationship, having fun, celebrating life, and blessings others. This Beauty and the Beast Birthday party was one of our favorites. The party colors were gold and red. […]


2 Feb

DIY Glitter Jars

Whether it comes to my girl’s desk, or a birthday party or my kitchen shelves, I love the little details! I think they bring personality to the area, room or party that you are decorating. So when I am putting together a party, I love to add little touches here and there to really make […]