

18 Mar

Rainbow Craft

Create an adorable sunshiny rainbow with your littles! Supplies: Crepe paper (red, yellow/gold, green, blue & purple/pink) Paper plate Yellow & pink paint Paint brush, black marker, scissors and glue Yellow construction paper Instructions: To begin fold your paper plate to create a straight line (see image). Fold it about 2/3 of the way down […]


17 Mar

Whipped Cream Easter Eggs

Dye your Easter eggs with this unique technique & strange ingredient! This technique is a lot of fun and your kids will enjoy playing with the whipped cream! Supplies: Food Coloring Whipped cream Large pan (at least a 9×12) Hard boiled eggs Plastic gloves First hard boil your eggs and then allow them to cool. […]


11 Feb

Table Talk

How is your table talk?! When you sit at the table is everyone tempted to be on their phone? To watch TV? Do you only get yes or no in answer to your questions? How can you make table time more special? We asked ourselves this question a few years back… and came up with […]


4 Feb

Painting with Food!

Painting with food?! How fun is that!???! What a fun way to change things up with your kiddos and to do something completely unique! Grab various food items that you think might work, and give it a try! We started with “roses”. We made our beautiful roses with the base of Chard plant (Bietole in […]


25 Jan

Crayon Melt Artwork

Crayon melt artwork is so much fun! When I was little, and my Mom was a preschool teacher, she had a hot plate covered with foil where you could make crayon melt artwork in her preschool class. And it was ALWAYS my favorite thing to do! My kids favorite too! This art project is similar […]


20 Jan

Sun Catchers

If you, like me, need something to brighten up these winter days, then these sun catchers are the perfect project for you and your family! You only need a few basic supplies and they are truly fun to make! Supplies: White glue Black acrylic paint Squeeze bottle Plastic document sleeve (see photo). Rigid is best! […]


19 Jan

Painted Hearts

With this project you can create two beautiful pieces of artwork in one!! Supplies: Paper Masking Tape/Painter’s tape Paint Paintbrushes Water Placemat Scissors Begin by cutting out a template. We used heart shape, but you can use any shape of your choice. Tape your template onto your canvas or construction paper using masking tape. Once […]


17 Jan

Chalk Art

I love how soft and sweet this art project turned out! It reminds me of conversation hearts…those pretty pastels! We made hearts, but you can make whatever shape you would like! Fireworks for New Year’s Day, a star for Christmas, someone’s name to decorate your room! Get creative and have fun with this easy project! […]


15 Jan

Valentines Day Qtip Art

Creating an adorable heart with your kiddos is easy and fairly mess-free! It’s a great project for various ages. Supplies: Qtips Paint Paper Scissors To make this heart begin by squirting your paint onto a plastic paint and setting out a tub of Qtips, plastic cups of water and several napkins or paper towels. Cut […]


22 Dec

6 Easy Christmas Activities to keep the kiddos busy

Santa Claus is coming to town! Are you ready?! Printable Activity mats Here are a few fun printable activities for your Christmas table! Because kiddos get bored and a little game to work on while they sit down for Christmas lunch might be the key. It’s a great way to get them to interact with […]