Super Heroes For the Day!

Easy DIY Super hero cape!

If you could be a super hero for just one day, what would you do?! What super power would you like to have?

Today you can help your kiddos become super heroes for a day with this easy super hero cape craft that requires NO SEWING!!

This project is easy and requires materials that you likely already have at home. Please watch the video for the most accurate and complete instructions! It will make it much easier to understand what to do.

The video is the easiest way to understand how to make your cape, but I will show you with a few simple photos and instructions as well.

Begin by finding an old (or new, if you don’t mind ruining it) t-shirt. It should be plain with no writing on it. You will also want to find a size that is larger than your child. For example I used an adult medium for my 9 year old daughter who is average in size. This makes your cape a little longer which is much more fun for twirling and flying. To try out the size just hold it up to your child’s back. The length of the cape will be slightly shorter than the length of his actual t-shirt. I would recommend using a shirt that is at least 2-3 sizes bigger or just using an adult size t-shirt.

Begin by opening up you t-shirt. Cut along the seam of your t-shirt on both sides of the shirt. When you reach the armpit, cut along the top seam only, as seen in the photo above.

Open your t-shirt up length-wise and lay it flat on the table.

Cut along the seam that goes across the shoulders, leaving the collar in tact.

Now, beginning from the collar, all the way to the base of your t-shirt, cut in a diagonal line.

Fold your shirt in half length-wise. Follow the line you already cut to make both sides even, cutting down again from the collar to the base of your shirt.

Now your cape is ready to go! You can cut the collar open in the middle and make it a tied neck, or add adhesive velcro if you would prefer. If you have kids that are likely to pull on one another’s cape, or a child who is likely to tangle their cape on things while they play, then I recommend these solutions as it allows for easier release of the cape.

Now you are ready to decorate!!

We used felt letters, fabric pens and puffy paint. We got the felt and puffy paint from Oriental Trading Company and the fabric pens from IKEA. We used Fabric Fusion glue to attach the felt, but a hot glue gun works just as well.

Let your kiddos get creative! They create a mantra to write on the back of their cape, or make up a super-hero name or symbol that they would like to use.

Now let the become their own super hero with their very own cape!! This activity is so easy and your kids will love playing dress up as a hero for a day.

This project is also a great opportunity to talk with your kiddos during this strange and difficult time of quarantine. Ask them what they would do if they could be a super hero for a day? Ask them what super power they would like to have? Ask who the bag guy is in their story and how they are able to defeat him?! Pay attention to their language. It’s possible you might hear them talking about “corona” or “virus” or the ability to kill viruses, or similar language. This will give you an opportunity to see how they are feeling and what they are thinking about.

If they share something take the time to listen. Talk together. Reassure them and give them extra hugs. Remind them that Jesus is the ultimate super hero! That HE is stronger than any virus and that He cares for us.

You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.

1 John 4:4, The Holy Bible

For all ages: TAKE TIME TODAY TO THANK A HERO!!! Take time with your children today to thank someone who is helping others during this difficult time- doctors, nurses, grocery store clerks, delivery men, bank tellers, janitors, and so many more!! They are putting their own lives at risk to serve others! THANK YOU!

Write a letter together or draw a beautiful picture or make a giant poster. Take a picture and send it to all the heroes you know. Or hang it outside of your house to thank those who are serving you and others.

Happy crafting! Remember these moments are precious opportunities to connect with your kids and help them feel peaceful and strong!


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